
Streamline Your Site Access & Induction with Cm3 OnSite

Site inductions play a key role in meeting your legislative duty of care to your workers. They can be used to inform individuals of the risks they may experience and bring to a site, and the policies and procedures you have in place to safeguard workers and the public.

Cm3 OnSite is an all-in-one site access solution and visitor management system with easy QR-code check in that makes the tracking, verification, and reporting of site visitors a breeze.

A Simple Visitor Management & Compliance Solution with Powerful Capabilities


Contactless QR Code Based Check-In


Real-Time Cm3 Compliance Checks


Customise Inductions for Visitors, Contractors and Tenant Contractors


Global and Site-Specific Inductions


Checklists and Declarations


Symptom & Vaccination Screening


Targeted Messaging for Emergencies, Updates and Notifications

Cm3 OnSite - Contactless QR Code Site Access Visitor Management App

Take Full Control of Your Site Check-in & Inductions

Cm3 Onsite - See who is or was on site
See Site Status & History

Get visibility of who is and who was on your site. Use the software to explore past check-in history and export detailed data.

OnSite is Cm3's Site Access & Induction Solution
Contactless Site Check In

With Cm3 OnSite’s QR Code-based system, it is easy to manage visitors and ensure that they are adhering to your infection control procedures.

Cm3 OnSite - Rich induction editor
Fully Customised Inductions

OnSite’s rich induction editor allows you to configure your own inductions with links, tables, images and videos, and customise them for visitors, contractors or tenant contractors.

Cm3 OnSite - Checklists and declarations
Checklists & Declarations

Configure your checklists and declarations at a global level, or for specific sites, using the Cm3 OnSite visitor management software. Failure to complete the checklist will present the contractor to contact the site manager who can be configured on a per site basis.

Cm3 OnSite - SMS Notification Service for Site Visitors and Contractors
Targeted Messaging to Site Visitors

Dynamic messaging based on your needs, from full broadcast communications in emergencies to tailored messages to specific individuals on site.

Cm3 OnSite - Site check out and check in
Simplify Your Site Check Out

Contractors have a one-click check out when they leave site. The Cm3 OnSite contractor and visitor management system automatically checks out contractors after a custom time period if they forget.

Ensure Site Presence with Geofencing

Ensure that site visitors are actually checking in at the correct location by only allowing activity in OnSite from devices within the defined geographical radius of your site.

Customise Your Inductions By Visitor Type

Cm3 OnSite - Visitor Type - Site Visitor
Cm3 OnSite - Visitor Type - Contractor
Cm3 Contractors
Cm3 OnSite - Visitor Type - Tenant Contractor
Cm3 OnSite - Contractor and Site Visitor Check in And Compliance Software
Cm3 OnSite - Contractor and Site Visitor Check in And Compliance Software

Connected with Cm3 for Enhanced Contractor & Visitor Management

Connected with the Cm3 contractor management system, OnSite collects and organises your site check-in and induction data into simple reports that can help you manage the risks associated with your site visitors and contractors.

Contractors entering your site will have their compliance status checked and insurances verified in real-time against your requirements. Non-compliant check-in attempts can be identified by the system and alerted to you.

The simple dashboard gives you a holistic view of the past and present site check-ins for each of your sites, as well as the ability to export induction data and site-specific check-in history.

Cm3 OnSite - Kiosk Mode for Site Check In

Kiosk Mode for streamlined check in at your sites

Cm3 OnSite does not require any dedicated hardware, however you can easily display your sites’ check in screens in kiosk mode on any device at the entrance for easy check-in. By scanning the QR code on their mobile devices, users will be prompted to complete any relevant inductions before entering the premises.

Speak to a Cm3 Product Expert about Cm3 OnSite

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