Use Cm3 Induct to ensure your contractors know the vitally important safety and risk information prior to coming to your site
Cm3 Induct (formerly Go Induct) is a web based online induction system, providing a cost effective solution for the delivery of essential training to employees and contractors
For organisations managing their contractors using Cm3’s Online Contractor WHS Prequalification System, the process for contractor induction is simple and automated.
Once a contractor’s organisation receives Cm3 prequalification, the system will automatically send an email requesting the completion of your inductions that is tailored with your organisation’s logo, colours, and any other branding. Employees / Contractors can then complete the General Induction and search for additional Site-Specific Induction Courses.
Looking for your induction? Click here to log in.

Training & Induction Solutions with Cm3 Induct
Speak to a Product Expert about inducting your contractors online with Cm3 Induct
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