Cm3 facilitates Successful, Sustainable & Ethical partnerships across all industries
Cm3’s contractor management system has a number of built-in tools that can assist the collection of information about Vendors (including Contractors and Suppliers) required to meet reporting requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
The use of technology platforms such as Cm3 to manage contractors and suppliers makes regulatory compliance management simpler, more transparent, and easier to implement across industries. Managing the new reporting requirements associated with Modern Slavery can also be achieved with the use of these platforms to procure declarations, conduct surveys or audits, review documentation and request specific policies and procedures from vendors.
Ethical Sourcing & Contractor Management
Organisations using Cm3 to prequalify and manage their contractors and suppliers have multiple options to request information or obtain confirmation of their practices.
Who is using Cm3 to address Modern Slavery risks?
Cm3 InForms
Cm3 InForms (formerly Survey Plus) is a customisable survey tool that expands data collection and reporting capabilities for clients utilising Cm3’s Modern Slavery module. It allows you to build your own surveys, forms, and document requests to obtain a clearer picture of your vendors operations and exercise due diligence.
This empowers you with the ability to target small-to-medium enterprise (SME) vendors that are not required to complete an annual Modern Slavery Statement and who may not have the knowledge or expertise currently to complete a detailed review.
Ethical Sourcing News & Updates
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