Unlock an ecosystem of leading contractor management and compliance solutions.

Cm3 Contractor Management - Compliance & Risk Management Solutions Software Online

Trusted Contractor Safety & Compliance Management Partners of

Cm3 Client - EVT Group
Cm3 Client - Programmed
Cm3 Client - Knight Frank
Cm3 Client - Super Retail Group
Cm3 Client - QIC
Cm3 Client - Siemens Energy

Meet Cm3, your Powerful new Contractor Management System


Reduce Cost

Your time is valuable. The Cm3 service handles compliance management, including OHS/WHS prequalification, from beginning to end, freeing up your internal resources and allowing you to spend more time focussing on your business.


Reduce Risk

With a full-time expert compliance team, the Cm3 assessment process stays up to date with changing regulations and legal requirements, giving you confidence that your risk is being minimised by the industry’s leading experts.


Increase Transparency

Cm3’s Contractor Management Software provides an easy-to-use web-based interface, giving you real-time access to your contractors’ compliance status. Quickly and easily identify a contractor’s status, access documents, assessments and view historic archives.

An Ecosystem That Scales With Your Business



Set your compliance requirements and ensure that your contractors have the appropriate risk controls, licences, and insurance in place to conduct your work safely.


Cm3 OnSite

Cm3 OnSite is an all-in-one site access and induction solution with easy QR-code based check in that makes the tracking, verification, and reporting of site visitors a breeze.


Cm3 Induct

Use Cm3 Induct to ensure your contractors know the vitally important safety and risk information through online training and inductions prior to coming to your site.


Cm3 Marketplace

Source contractors that meet your compliance requirements from Cm3’s expansive marketplace – search, filter, invite, and connect to get your work done safely.


Ethical Sourcing

Cm3 has a number of built in tools that assist organisations with the collection of information required to meet reporting requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018.


API & Integrations

Enhance your contractor safety and compliance management with powerful integrations between Cm3 and your existing systems, including site access, procurement, ERP, and accounting.


Advanced Analytics

Get powerful insights on your contractor management and compliance with dashboards and data exports on Cm3.


Survey Plus

Collect important information, declarations, and documents for your compliance management and reporting needs.


Chain of Responsibility

Cm3 gives you the ability to manage all aspects of your logistics contractor compliance – online and visible across your whole business.

Supported by Experienced Work Health and Safety Experts

Cm3 gives you confidence in your contractor management. The Cm3 compliance assessment process is unique in its employment of an in-house team of highly qualified expert Assessors. By leveraging Cm3’s centralised contractor management system, comprehensive database of contractors, and robust process, your organisation can dramatically decrease the time required to source and prequalify contractors based on your requirements.


Set requirements per contractor


Assessments conducted by WHS professionals


Verify contractor licences & insurances


Log Corrective Actions


Create and track contractor surveys

Cm3 Contractor Management - Client User on Compliance Dashboard
Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety & Blackwoods Logo - Footer

Cm3 is proudly part of Blackwoods with the backing of Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety, offering a stable and quality experience for clients, contractors, and integration partners.

Cm3 Marketplace - Expansive Contractor Database For Procurement

Source Compliant & Qualified Contractors without the hassle

You have your preferred contractors, and Cm3 lets you find, invite, and connect with them easily. Cm3 is a portable certificate that can be used by contractors for your projects and for access to work with other clients. Finding additional contractors that meet your requirements is easy from Cm3’s expansive B2B contractor database.


Search for know contractors by name or ABN


Find new contractors by work type, job type, and risk type


Save and share filters


Invite contractors to connect

Dedicated to Contractors – Turning Compliance into a Competitive Advantage

Cm3 builds trusted business relationships that facilitate safe and effective work environments. The Cm3 assessment process is designed to show off and bolster the safety management systems of a business. Contractors have access to guidance from a dedicated on-shore support team, and qualified assessors to ensure they are ready and equipped for a client’s work and any associated risks.


Create a Business Risk Profile based on the work you conduct


Upload licences, insurances, and other evidence


Work Health and Safety professionals guide you through the assessment process


Get listed on the Cm3 Marketplace where other clients can find you


Receive alerts when insurances or licences are coming up for renewal or expiration


Promote their Cm3 status to other clients and receive marketing exposure

Cm3 Contractor Compliance and Risk Assessments

‘After reviewing several contractor prequalification products, our analysis shows that Cm3 is the premium Contractor WHS Prequalification product in the market’

National Operational Risk Manager | Stockland

Cm3 Contractor Management News & Resources